Thursday, June 20, 2013


I woke up after a decent night sleep (remember the dream?), and since our team had nothing set up with our client yet, I waited to take my lukewarm shower (more on that later) until after breakfast.

As I sat down to eat, one of my team members received a call and indicated we were supposed to meet with our primary client in 10 minutes. I knew we would be in traffic for at least an hour, so I hurried back to my room for a shower, shave and dress for the meeting. I've never prepared to wear full business clothes so quickly before, it only took ten minutes or so.

We met with Dr. Bashir, the Head of the Division Reproductive Health, and Dr. Odongo, Advisor for Prevention of Mother to Child Transmission of HIV & Maternal Health program for CDC Kenya. Our primary mission was to validate the areas of focus we were targeting and identify key stakeholders to interview.It is very good we met with Dr. Bashir, because our scope was modified. We're off and running now...

From left to right: Muriuki Mureithi (Digital Opportunity Trust (DOT), Joshua Oiro (Futures Group), Me, Ulla Kieserg (IBM team member from Germany), Dr. Odongo, Mary Nguyen (IBM team member from LA) and Vinayak Sastri (IBM team member from India).

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