Friday, June 14, 2013


I was all set to depart Thursday afternoon until my flight out of Cincinnati was delayed, which would have caused me to miss my Amsterdam connection at JFK. After discussing with Delta, they informed me there were no other options except to reschedule until Friday, which I did. I'll be arriving a day later than my colleagues, and will have one less day to adjust, but I'm sure I'll be able to step up and they'll pick me up where necessary.

I have to say, I could not have had a better day than I had with my family on Thursday (except my dear Amanda who is in Florida on vacation with a friend). Angie, Ava, Olivia, John Paul and I went to the zoo after the weather broke, then picked up Larosa's for dinner. I'm so glad I had the extra day, it really meant the world to me, and we were able to scratch off the first of the 30 days until I return home. So, a final night in my bed, with my linens and my wife was well worth any delay.

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